6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

İlisu is a village in the Qakh District of Azerbaijan. This place once was the capital of the Sultanate of Elisu (also known as Elisou or Ilisu). Ilisu is known for its nature and Ilisu State Nature Reserve. But as a former capital of the Sultanate of Elisu, there are many historical places, castles, and towers you can see when you visit the Qakh District of Azerbaijan.

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

There are many historical places in Ilisu village. Most of them belong to the times of the Sultanate of Elisu. Elisu was a sultanate in the 16th and 19th centuries. The Sultanate of Elisu was established in 1563. The capital was located in Ilisu and most of its land now is in the Azerbaijan Republic. Sultanate was abolished in 1844 when Russian Empire occupied it. 

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Here are some historical places you can see while you visit Ilisu village:

1. Sumug-gala defensive tower

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

Sumug-gala or Sumuq castle is a defensive tower in Ilisu village. Its military importance was because during the sultanate's time it was overseeing the road from Dagestan to Azerbaijan. Now it is one of the historical places and tourist attractions. Recently the Sumug tower was renovated and you can visit the place, climb up inside it and see the museum located inside the tower about the Ilisu and Elisu Sultanate. 

This tower is also very famous because of a movie filmed in Soviet time. The name of the movie is “Qorxma mən səninləyəm" (Don't be afraid I'm with you). The stars of the movie were  Polad Bulbuloglu and Lev Durov. The movie was directed by Yuli Gusman. 

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2. Ulu Mosque

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

Ulu Mosque or “Ulu məscid” in Azerbijani, is mosque in Ilisu buint in 17th century. It is also one of the oldest mosques in the region. Ulu Mosque is located on the main street of Ilisu village. There is also an old cemetery very close to the mosque. I couldn’t go inside and see it from inside because it was locked. Even nowadays this place is used for Friday prayers. 

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

3. Historical bridge: Ulu Bridge 

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

Ulu Bridge or “Ulu körpü”, built on the Kurmuk river in the 17th century is one of the tourist attraction sites in Ilisu village. People come here to drink tea, sit and enjoy the view of the mountains and the Kurmukchay river. This historical bridge once was connecting the road from Qakh to Ilisu. But now it is just a tourist spot and there is a modern bridge built close to it where you will pass when you visit Ilisu.

4. Ilisu castle complex and ruins of the castle

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

Ilisu village has a strategic place. To enter the village and of course the Ilisus sultanate, there is only one road alongside the Kurmuk river. A very narrow road surrounded by mountains. So this narrow place is good for defense. And because of this, there was a castle complex and some towers with unique architectures.  

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6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

Nowadays only one left is the bastion and it's called “Bürc qala” meaning “bastion castle”. A few meters away from this place there are ruins of the rest of the Ilisus castle. The river and floods washes away the land and most of the castle was destroyed. 

5. Tombs of the Elisu sultans

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

Sultanate of Elisu existed for nearly 300 years and sultans got approval from shahs and Ottoman empire sultans. When the Elisu sultanate was abolished by the Russians, the last Elisu sultan died in Ottoman Empire. But there is an old cemetery where you can see tombs of the Elisu sultans. Very close to the Ilisu castle complex I mentioned above. The tombs of the sultans have a unique design that I have never seen before in this region. 

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6. Galacha or Shamil-Gala, Jinli Castle, and historical houses in Ilisu village

6 historical places to visit in Ilisu village of Qakh District of Azerbaijan

The other two historical places in Ilisu are the Galacha or Shamil-Gala castle and Jinli Castle. I couldn’t visit them. Because they are located in the mountains. But you can see Galacha or Shamil-Gala castle from the road and the village.

In general, the village of Ilisu has also some old houses that you can enjoy while you visit and pass alongside the main road in the village.

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