19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan

Dr. Javanshir Gadimov

One of the must-see places in Zagatala city of Azerbaijan is the fortress located in the town. It has a unique place in history. Mostly because the crew of the mutinous battleship Potemkin was imprisoned here. 

19th-century Zagatala Fortress by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan

Zagatala Fortress located in the city of Zagatala was built in 1830 by Russian Empire. The main purpose of this fortress is to control this region and stand against rebellions by locals. It can control the road from Georgia to Azerbaijan and from north to south. So has a strategic place. Russian Empire kept a strong battalion in the fortress fortified with cannons and strong walls.

Zagatala Fortress overlooks Zagatala city. It has 3 gates: officers gate, soldiers gate, and transport gate. The fortress is now a historical place and protected by the government. You can visit and walk inside the fortress. 

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19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan
Tourists (me at the left and my brother) visiting the fortress

There are many buildings inside the Zagatala Fortress. For example, garrison headquarter, houses for officers and their families, hospital building, arsenal and armory building, and many others. There are also 2 cannons from the time when the Russian Empire garrison was stationed here. 

There is an observation tower near the transport gate of the fortress. You can climb up and have a good view of the city and fortress. 

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19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan

Zagatala Fortress as a prison for Battleship Potemkin crew

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan

In 1905, the Russian Empire's battleship Potemkin crew rebelled against officers. It is now counted as the first step toward the 1917 Russian Revolution. Zagatala Fortress was also used as a prison for  Decembrists and the Battleship Potemkin’s mutinous crew. That's why it has a unique place in history. 

The mutiny in this battleship was later made into a movie in the Soviet Union. The silent movie “Battleship Potemkin” was directed by Sergei Eisenstein in 1925. The film Battleship Potemkin is considered one of the greatest movies of all time and has an important place in film history.

There is also an abandoned Georgian church at the foot of the fortress. Couldn't see much because it was close but here is a photo from the church. The church was also built in 1830. Same date as the fortress. 

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan

The abandoned Georgian chuch in Zagatala

More photos from Zagatala Fortress, Zagatala city of Azerbaijan

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan
Officers gate of the Zagatala fortress.

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan
The small photo is up inside the observation tower and view from the tower.

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan
Arsenal building and fortress wall from inside

19th-century Zagatala Fortress built by Russian Empire in Azerbaijan
Me in front of the Zagatala fortress

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