Unexpected visitor - Largest European moth

One night, I was surprised to find a large moth with a wingspan of approximately 10 cm in my house. It had come through the window and was just sitting there, looking around. I had never seen a moth so big before, and I was curious to know what it was.

Unexpected visitor - Giant emperor moth

After doing some research, I learned that the moth was a giant peacock moth, also known as Saturnia pyri. It is the largest moth in Europe, with a wingspan that can reach up to 15-20 cm. The moth is named for the four "eyes" on its wings, which are actually markings that help to deter predators. The moth is also brightly colored, with a mixture of green, yellow, and brown.

This is a description of Saturnia pyri in the Wikipedia:
“Saturnia pyri, the giant peacock moth, great peacock moth, giant emperor moth or Viennese emperor, is a Saturniid moth which is native to Europe. The species was first described by Michael Denis and Ignaz Schiffermüller in 1775. It is the largest European moth, with a wingspan reaching 15–20 cm.”

In my hometown where the picture of this moth was taken, people also call them a “spirit moth” as a superstitious belief. Anyway, it is good to see one and learn that it is the largest European moth. 
The photo was taken in the city of Sheki, northern Azerbaijan by Abdurrahman Gadimov.

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